Sure Signs That You Have Amnesia of Your Very Own Awesomeness

1. Comparison
You stalk your your friends on Facebook to see what they are up to and compare their seemingly charming internet lives to your real ‘boring’ life.

2. Indecision
You are so indecisive and you always avoid situations where you have to choose, for instance, you change your outfit a couple of times every morning and you always end up spending more than you had planned because you couldn’t choose.

3. You Value Other People’s Opinion
You go to your friends for advise even on very simple matters and you always end up doing what other people suggest.

4. You Hate Being Alone
You simply can’t stand being alone,especially in public.

5. You Always Feel Like You Are Not Where You Are Supposed To Be
You are so focused on making your future better that you forget the present and hence you go through life without enjoying the beauty of the moment.

6. Your all time favourite song is She is So High by Tal Balcham
This is because you feel like this song was really meant for you coz you identify with Balcham.

These are just signs that you sometimes forget how awesome you are. Remind yourself everyday that you are awesome because the truth is, we all own awesome.

“At some point in your life, you have to get to know your value. It is your job to know it and communicate it effectively”- Mika Brezezinski.

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